I'm HOME! My first year of college is done, and it feels good to be back in Rolla with my family for the summer. The last couple weeks of my semester went well - busy, which is why blogging took back seat. :) Mum came to move me out on Tuesday of finals week, but I started feeling sad around Sunday evening about leaving my Truman friends. I had to clean my room (I vacuumed my room for the very first time all year!), and Liz and I enjoyed joking around about our different approaches to cleanliness, since we're going to be roommates next year.
Everyone came out and saw me off, and then Abby, Mum, and I took a tour of campus and used up my extra meals.
After getting home, I've been spending a lot of time just hanging around here at home. This summer, I'm working out at Camp David in the office again. My best friend Alida is also working there, so we drive out and back together everyday - what a fun and unexpected blessing for me! I'm not sure yet how long I'll be working there, but at least until June 18th. I'm hoping to continue my work throughout the rest of the summer too, but we will see.
Other than that, I'm working on finding ways to spend my time. If you have any suggestions, I'd be more than willing to hear them! I really want this summer to be one full of serving others, and becoming more well-rounded, so I can expand my ability to serve God. I would appreciate your prayers as I readjust to living here at home, and try to figure out my place in God's community of believers here in Rolla!
I vote for doing the cookie dough/ fetal pig party.
Why not volunteer as a camp mentor for a young girls' summer camp? I think you'd be able to give great help.
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