Wednesday, April 6, 2011


In times of trouble, God has not forgotten me. When I can't feel His comfort or compassion, and it seems to dark for any of His light to shine through, His body of believers comes through. His love is in them, and it's been shown to be so fully as of late.

Parents: they are the best. I love them a lot, and it is so encouraging to know that I don't have to be all put together before I can come to them for comfort. They understand me so well.

Gretchen: I don't think I've ever had such a beautiful, self-less friend. She has made me promise to text or call her at anytime of the day or night if I need a friend. And the craziest thing - we've only been friends for a couple of months! God has worked in her life in great ways already, and continues to do that daily as she lives out her love for Him.
Audrey and Gretch

Dani: S.A. and future roomie - she's basically the greatest. Dani is a rock in my life, and her hugs are needed on a regular basis in my life. I can't believe we lived in the same town for 5 years and didn't know each other. . . I sure was missing out.

Audrey, Allison, and Jen: They live together, and kind of all go together in my mind. Each has different strengths, which makes them such a wonderful group of friends. Jen is full of encouragement, compassion, and attentiveness to those who are hurting. Audrey is full of life and adventure, always up for a good time and laughter. And Al is the thinker, who loves to talk about life and learning and the deep parts of what goes on in our minds and hearts. I love them all so dearly.

Danielle: She disciples me, and I couldn't have asked for more. Wow, what a godly young woman! She encourages me in so many ways, and is an inspiration when it comes to trusting God completely and having Him rule every aspect of life.

Meegan: She's Australian, which is basically enough to tell you all about her. :) She is a woman of great wisdom, and also crazy fun, all at the same time. She's always willing to fit me into the busy schedule she keeps, and has an unshakable faith and confidence in her Savior.
(on the far left, with the thumbs-up)

So yeah. God's been pretty great, especially this week.

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